Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10th Birthday

We celebrated Rainy's birthday at the end of July!  Now this was interesting!  The older girls were at their first girls camp for a week, and Brandon and the boys were at some scouting activity.  This left me and Rainy to party hardy!! 
Rainy told me that all she wanted for her bday was a pair of red converse! SCORE! CUTE!!! I loved obliging this one!
 Wow Rainy looks so grown up in this picture!  Every year, Rainy has me take her to Red Lobster for her private birthday meal of popcorn shrimp and a strawberry smoothie... and YES she chose that broccoli herself... as a birthday treat! Broccoli is a treat in our home!! I LOVE it personally... much to Brandon's dismay... but since they all love it so much... I cook it a lot!

Rainy also likes to see a movie during our private hour and luncheon when it is her birthday week.  This year she chose Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days.. any movie with the word 'dog' in it is usually picked.