Friday, February 15, 2008

Rainy's cute Christmas Jammies

Well this picture is a bit out of chronological order, but I just came across it!  I made it so all these pictures can be made bigger by clicking on them.  Hope you enjoy them!!!!


Disneyworld 2008

We went to all the Disneyworld parks!  The Tower of Terror was Rainy's favorite ride!!!!  She was almost hyperventilating by the end of the ride because she loved it soooo much.  It was very cool, since other kids were terrified.  She also loved space mountain, thunder mountain, and all the roller coasters, especially Rockn' Roller Coaster, which has a triple corkscrew upside down part!!!

Check out my Slide Show!


Rainy: "Mommy, Stitch lives in the sky, but not with Jesus. With ALIENS!"

Later... (BTW... click on these pictures of Rain, she looks gorgeous!)

Mommy: "Rainy, be careful, don't hang your feet out on the ground when I am pushing the stroller, if your feet get caught under the stroller, it will hurt."

Rainy: "Mommy, did you forget that I am invincible?" (I swear she said this!!!)