Disclaimer: I have lost my battery charger to my camera and am having to resort to take less quality pictures with my laptop camera. Sorry!
Well today was a fun morning! Rainy was very excited to get her Easter Basket. She went straight for the marshmallow bunny!! After filling up on candy and then eating breakfast, the girls changed into their new Easter Dresses.

After church, (and more candy!) We went on a nature walk and everyone brought their new balls, from the Easter Bunny. Rainy's is yellow. (Her dress is yellow too.) Rainy's favorite color is RED, by far, but yellow is next

After that,
It is almost time for my exciting dinner!! Green Apple J
including all her vegetables!)
Brandon's Mom came over for dinner and she had her camera with her, so here are some better pictures.
Rainy really enjoyed the Easter egg hunt we had outside!